POM Tea bottle, retouched for various flavors.
Teleflora flower arrangement and vase.
Compositing for final design, Cuties.
Combined different elements for Sunkist advertisement.
Teleflora vase, combing different pictures for final master file, online and print usage.
Examples of product retouching for Belkin peripherals.
Belkin HDMI cable, before and after.
Belkin tablet case, retouched color, fabric pattern and moved zippers.
Glamour retouching for eSalon.com
Vintage photograph restoration.
Retouching and design for Indie film poster, "Bubblerama"
 Removed the photo strip on left and recreated the raincoat underneath, costume concept for the film "A.I."
Fixed the perspective of the original image on left to be used in the final design on right.
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